Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Table for Two Please

    When you hear "table for two please," what do you visualize? Most people automatically visualize a table or booth that seats 2 people and at this request it becomes occupied by 2 people. In most occasions the dinner becomes special when the presence of both people come together to fellowship with one another. Fellowship cannot take place if one of the two people refuse to show up to dinner to occupy the seat that awaits him or her. The absence of one of the two people changes the dynamic of dining and it is not as special as it would be if both seats were occupied. I'm sure there are many restaurant owners that would affirm that there are many occasions when reservations are made for two people, but only one person show up. Just as it is in restaurant dining, the same as it is in faith/works dining. People either sit down in the chair of "I have faith in my heart," but leave the chair of "take a step of obedience in faith" unoccupied or vice versa. In actuality, both work together to help bring God's promise to past in our lives. James 2:17 says "faith without works is dead." In order to fellowship at dinner both seats have to be occupied. It is when both seats are occupied that you can go from feeling like the only fellow in the ship to fellow-shipping with one another. When Jesus instructed Peter to step out of the boat and walk towards him, it took more than just him being obedient to the words of Jesus to walk on water, but he also had to believe in his heart that he could do what appeared to be impossible. In Matthew 14:28-33, Peter didn't start sinking until he allowed doubt to form in his heart by focusing on his surrounding circumstances in the natural. For example: You can take a step of obedience to God by opening your own business, but if you don't believe in your heart that your business will prosper, just like Peter, your business will start sinking. Contrary, if you believe that you will have a prosperous business, but allow fear to hinder you from taking the first step to open that business, you will never see what you believe in your heart. Faith and works go hand in hand. So let's make a declaration today that we are going to ensure that both seats are occupied at the dining table so that we can indulge in a special dinner full of awesome fellowship.  

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