Friday, September 25, 2009
Tears In The Dark

Monday, September 21, 2009
Major Update
Hey everybody. Just wanted to stop in for a little while to inform you all of some changes that will be occuring in my life within the next week or so. First, I will be moving out of my current apartment and moving in with someone else. Not really looking forward to the move, but there are several reasons as to why this is the best decision for me. For starters, I will be able to save up the money that was being put towards rent and put it towards other things. Second, my lease is up and I don't want to sign another year lease being that I only have 7 more months until graduation. As soon as I graduate I will be heading to move out of my current location to a new location to pursue my career. I do not want another year lease to delay this transition in my life. Second, due to the fact that I only have a desktop computer, not a laptop computer (yeah, I know, it sucks), I will not be able to transport my computer to my new residence. I will have the opportunity to use someone else's computer, but being that it is not my computer, there will be limiations placed on the usage of the computer. With that said, I am gonna see how things go within the first week or two, so I can determine on how this change will affect my blog site. I will make sure to keep all of you updated on how things are going. Before the move, there isn't gonna be much new updates because along with school, 2 jobs, and now having to move, my schedule is 100% full. However, if something major occurs in the world/entertainment news within the next week, I will have to take a break away from my busy life to blog about it. Lol. Be safe everyone. Smooches :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Quote For The Week
Quote for the week:
"We judge ourselves by our best intentions and most noble acts but we will be judged by our last worst act."
Source: Michael Josephson
You already know what, or better yet who, inspired this quote. Lol. And to me the quote is similar to the "actions speaks louder than words" quote. You can't say that you are a good person with great intentions, all the while you are doing terrible things that screams the complete opposite. Make sure the two are aligned.
"We judge ourselves by our best intentions and most noble acts but we will be judged by our last worst act."
Source: Michael Josephson
You already know what, or better yet who, inspired this quote. Lol. And to me the quote is similar to the "actions speaks louder than words" quote. You can't say that you are a good person with great intentions, all the while you are doing terrible things that screams the complete opposite. Make sure the two are aligned.
Patrick Swayze Dies At 57.......RIP

LOS ANGELES (AFP) – Hollywood actor Patrick Swayze, best known for his roles in hit films "Dirty Dancing" and "Ghost," died on Monday after a long battle with pancreatic cancer, his publicist said.
Source: news.yahoo.com
Patrick fought a good long fight and my prayers goes out to his family. May he truly rest in peace.
Who Is This Suppose To Suprise???

Source: news.yahoo.com
Well, I can tell you one thing, it doesn't suprise me. And if you payed attention to his past box office numbers, then it shouldn't suprise you either. One morning Steve Harvey was on his show talking about how Tyler had a hard time trying to get someone to actually allow him to turn his plays into movies. He went to several well known companies and all of them rejected him. They told him that they really didn't think that he would gain a large audience with these type of plays and therefore would not gain a large amount of sales. It only took one company, LionsGate, to give him a chance and prove all of those other companies wrong. Now Tyler is the one laughing at the haters all the way to the bank. Being successful truly is the best revenge there is. Go ahead Tyler!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Celebrity Seeds
Remembering September 11th

The September 11 attacks (often referred to as September 11th or 9/11) were a series of coordinated suicide attacks by Al-Qaeda upon the United States on September 11, 2001. On that morning, 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners.[1][2] The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings. Both buildings collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. The fourth plane crashed into a field near Shanksville in rural Pennsylvania, after some of its passengers and flight crew attempted to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.C. There were no survivors from any of the flights. In total 2,993 people, including the hijackers, died in the attacks.
Source: Wikipedia
I remember it like it was yesterday..........As a Junior at my new high school, I'm walking through the crowed hallways to get to my second period class, which was ROTC. It was my 3rd year being in ROTC and the excitement that I once possessed for this program had completely died down. As I drag myself into the classroom, I see about 10 other students sitting around chit chatting with each other as their eyes are glued to the television. Me, not realizing what was going on at the time, I just quietly locate a seat and sit down. I always felt out of place in this particular class. Maybe it was cuz the people that I was use to seeing for the past couple of years where no where to be found, being that I was now at a different high school. Or maybe the personalities that my classmates possessed did not click with mines. Or maybe it was because I felt that our backgrounds were a lot different from each other. Or just maybe there was no real reason for me isolating myself from the others. Whatever the case might have been, I always felt alone in that class, until then. Classmates are panicing, as they watch the tv. "Oh, my goodness, I can't believe this. They just crashed into the one of the World Trade Center towers." "Wow, this is so surreal." In the meantime, news reporters are discussing what just took place, as the camera is focusing on the tower that was just hit, all of a sudden another plane hits the second tower. My heart pauses for a second. I place my hand on my heart, jaw dropped completely down, and my eyes wide open and glued to the tv. Now my entire class is starting to panic. Panic? Nah, after the second plane hit, panic became an understatement. Everyone started to become confused, scared, sad, nervous, etc. It was at this time we all came together as one. Yes, we all might have different backgrounds, passions, and personalities, but one thing we all had in common was that we all were U.S. citizens concerned about the recent events that took place in OUR Country. As we continue watching the news coverage, we hear about the other plane crashes. All of a sudden, my class went from being worried and sympathetic for the victims in these attacks to being worried about themselves. There was word going around the classroom, that another plane was coming in our direction, aiming to hit our local base. Classmates wanted to call their families, they were now scared for their lives. My heart is beating rapidly now and the "what if's" start traveling around in my mind. Although I now felt connected to these individuals who I once viewed as strangers, I did not want to be with them right now. I wanted to be home with my mom, grandma, and sister. I wanted to know that they were alright too. Time passes and we continue to wait. Nothing else happened. Nothing else, but having to painfully watch the aftermath of these horrible attacks........................................So now I want to know where was y'all?
Monday, September 7, 2009
Samoa to Switch From Driving to Right Side of Road to Left
This was brought to my attention by other class members in my HR class. I must say I was suprised. I can't imagine the US implementing this plan. Those poor bus drivers. Check out the video below:
And This Is Why He's Hot...Luda Gives Away 20 Cars

Source: news.yahoo.com
I am so pleased with Luda's generousity. We all are living in tough times TOGETHER, therefore I don't see any reason for people not to help individuals who are in need of assistance.
"Can't Let You Go"........Hit or miss
Chris Brown feat. Pleasure P & Bow Wow "Can't Let You Go." Wow, now we got Bow Wow and Pleasure P on Auto Tune. What y'all think? Hit or Miss?
Quote For The Week
Quote For The Week:
The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
And the realist adjusts the sails.
Source: William Arthur Ward
Excellent quote.
The pessimist complains about the wind;
The optimist expects it to change;
And the realist adjusts the sails.
Source: William Arthur Ward
Excellent quote.
Update On What's Going On With Me
Hey all. How has everyone been? Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful Labor Day. There is nothing better than being off from work, relaxing with friends and family, and stuffing your tummy with some good ol' barbeque chicken and/or ribs, baked beans, potato salad, collard greens, mac and cheese, corn bread, and sweet potato pie. Mmmm, mmmm GOOD. Too bad none of the above is on my Labor Day lunch/dinner menu. My list of menu items for today are labeled as quick and easy so I can have plenty of time to focus on the school work that I'm behind on. There was a delay in me getting a few of my textbooks, so now I have to cram so I can get caught up. I know I haven't been on here in a while, but there are several things going on in my life all at once. For starters, School. I have taken a look at each class syllabus and boy do I have a lot in store for me. I have about 3 group projects to do, one 30-50 page paper about my future plans, and x amount of quizzes, exams, and homework assignments. I am also STILL working very hard to find another job, I had a couple of interviews last week. I do want to mention something regarding this issue, being that my school schedule is mixed with day and night classes, it's kinda hard to find a decent paying job that is willing to work with my crazy schedule that I currently have. So that is the main problem right there. Lastly, my brain is working full time trying to decide if I'm gonna move by the end of this month. If I do decide to move, then that's gonna be another time consuming hassel that I have to deal with. So with everything going on, it's kida hard trying to balance my time evenly between all three of those and my blog. Like I said before, I will not allow my blog to just fade away, but I will have to reduce the amount of time that I spend updating my page. If there is some kinda major change that I forsee in the future, I will definitely let you guys/gals know about it. Thanks to all of my subscribers for your continued support. Smooches :)
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