Source: news.yahoo.com
Well, I can tell you one thing, it doesn't suprise me. And if you payed attention to his past box office numbers, then it shouldn't suprise you either. One morning Steve Harvey was on his show talking about how Tyler had a hard time trying to get someone to actually allow him to turn his plays into movies. He went to several well known companies and all of them rejected him. They told him that they really didn't think that he would gain a large audience with these type of plays and therefore would not gain a large amount of sales. It only took one company, LionsGate, to give him a chance and prove all of those other companies wrong. Now Tyler is the one laughing at the haters all the way to the bank. Being successful truly is the best revenge there is. Go ahead Tyler!!!
I haven't seen it. Don't know if I will. I can't say I really dig TP's movies like that. But I definitely respect his hustle.