My apartment, even though I had been there for only a year, had several memories. I had gotten so use to my routine in that apartment that it was so hard to give it up, but considering how things were going, I had to. My boyfriend was a huge help in getting things packed away and out of there, so I am so grateful to him for that. As I got ready to leave a place that I had gotten use to calling my home, I realized not only was I loosing my home, but I was also giving up some of my independence. Since I was 19, I have had a place of my own. I found a way to go to school, work 1 0r 2 jobs, and pay all of my bills without any help. I was use to this kind of lifestyle. To go from this to living with someone else is a difficult transition to get use to and I don't know if it's something that I can ever get use to. I try to stay really busy with my schooling so I can take my mind off of the recent losses, but the situation still crosses my mind from time to time. All I want is for things to get back to how they once were, which is one of the main reasons that I'm on the grind when it comes to school. The sooner I finish school, the sooner things will get back to normal. I have started the countdown, 7 more months.
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