Saturday, October 3, 2009

Update - October 3, 2009...Tears in the Dark/Lay Off/Big Move

Hey everyone. How has everyone been doing? Well, I hope life is treating you all well and that God is pouring down his blessing upon each and everyone last one of you. I wanted to stop by and let you all know what's been going on with me this past week or so and to inform you that I will be changing the focus of my blog. Due to the fact that I no longer have a personal computer, my posts will focus more on what's going on with me personally than the entertainment world. Not saying that I will drift away from discussing entertainment issues completely, but my blog will no longer center around this. I'm sorry I haven't been on, but I have had a lot of things going on in my life. One thing hitting me after another. The events of my "Tears in the Dark" blog took place on Wednesday, Friday I got laid off, and on Sunday I had to move out of my apartment. So yeah, last week was anything but fun. I really don't have to go back into details about what happened on Wednesday because I already dedicated an entire blog to that, but I will touch up on the other things. Stay Tuned.......

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