It's a startling way to solve New York City's very real problem. Mayor Michael Bloomberg's administration is offering one-way tickets to homeless people to send them back to their original home towns. The program, which has been in operation since 2007, has sent people back to Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Puerto Rico and even Paris. Sometimes the travel comes with big price tags like $2,500 to go to South Africa. Bloomberg has defended the controversial program, saying relocation is much less expensive than spending up to $36,000 per year to keep a homeless family in a shelter. "This saves taxpayers of New York an enormous amount of money," Bloomberg said. "Also keep in mind nobody's forcing these people to go. They want to go."
Okay, I must say I was suprised at this news article on Good Morning America. I actually have mixed thoughts about it. One part of me is applauding the Mayor's administration team for wanting to be a humanitarian by offering a lending hand to help others who are in need, but also trying to find ways to cut back so they can help the city as a whole too. Then another part of me feels like this is just another idea that is not well thought out, providing individuals with a new way to get over. Although the people sitting in these offices are portrayed to be very intelligent with degrees on top of degrees, I sometimes wonder. Maybe the problem does that old saying goes, they are book smart, but not common sense smart. My reason for saying that is because it seems to never fail that people who have no college education (possibly not even their h.s. diploma) always seem to find someway to beat the system. I mean, we already know that there are people out on the street all across the country "pretending so they can start getting." Whose to say that these people who suppose to be homeless are not homeless at all, but instead trying to get over so they can get a free trip to visit who in the hell ever. Why pay for something when you can get it for free? That's the mentality of Americans in today's society. The same thing goes for all of these government assistance programs. It seems like people are taking advantage of the various types of help that is available. And instead of these programs being offered to the ones who are trying hard to help themselves, but are experiencing a rough time and not able to go out and pay for their medical expenses, go out there and pay for their food, etc, they offer to help the ones who are straight up not trying because they don't give a damn. All they want to do is think of a way that will make them eligible to get more than what they already have. OMG, I can go on and on and on about this topic, but this is already long as is and I have other stuff to post. I will end saying this, I just really hope that the money invested in this program is not blindly going to waste. I might just create another blog dedicated to this subject alone in the future, I'' have to wait and see.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Celebrity Seeds

All I have to say is those are two handsome little boys. It really melts my heart when I see a father spending quality child with their child(ren).
USPS To Reduce The Number Of Days Mail Is Delivered.....
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Government Accountability Office on Tuesday added the Postal Service to its list of high-risk federal agencies in need of change. The post office has been struggling with a sharp decline in mail volume as people and businesses switch to e-mail both for personal contact and bill paying. The agency is facing a nearly $7 billion potential loss this fiscal year despite a 2-cent increase in the price of stamps in May, and cuts in staff. "There are serious and significant structural financial challenges currently facing the Postal Service," the GAO said. "New technology is profoundly affecting services in both the private and public sectors, including traditional mail delivery. Compounded by the current recession, the volume of mail being sent is dropping substantially," Gene L. Dodaro, acting comptroller general, said in a statement. The report called on the Postal Service to work with Congress and other organizations to develop and implement a restructuring plan. He said that "every major postal policy, from employee pay, to days of delivery, to the closing of postal facilities must be on the table. Without major change, the day will soon come when the Postal Service will be unable to pay its bills...." The GAO report said the key short-term goal is to cut expenses quickly enough to offset mail volume and revenue declines to avoid running out of cash to pay its expenses. Postal officials have said the agency could run out of cash in September.
I don't know why, but when I first read the article, I was thinking that they may take out a day or two from the Mon-Fri work week. I immediately thought, wow, things really are not getting any better, but instead they are getting worst. However, I spoke to my supervisor about it, who heard about this as well, and she informed me that they are considering no longer having Saturday mail delivery, which is not as bad as I thought. The article is true though, people are not getting as much mail as they use to. So I guess I can see why they would go this route to help cut expenses. I rather them do that, than go up on stamps every couple of months. Lol. In addition, they made the decision to remove the stamp machine out of the lobby area. Now if people want to purchase a stamp, they have to go inside and wait in that long line. I'm not sure if they started doing this everywhere, but I know they have started this where I currently live and in my hometown. So to avoid having to wait in a really long line just to buy a $.44 stamp, it's best to just buy a book of stamps.
I don't know why, but when I first read the article, I was thinking that they may take out a day or two from the Mon-Fri work week. I immediately thought, wow, things really are not getting any better, but instead they are getting worst. However, I spoke to my supervisor about it, who heard about this as well, and she informed me that they are considering no longer having Saturday mail delivery, which is not as bad as I thought. The article is true though, people are not getting as much mail as they use to. So I guess I can see why they would go this route to help cut expenses. I rather them do that, than go up on stamps every couple of months. Lol. In addition, they made the decision to remove the stamp machine out of the lobby area. Now if people want to purchase a stamp, they have to go inside and wait in that long line. I'm not sure if they started doing this everywhere, but I know they have started this where I currently live and in my hometown. So to avoid having to wait in a really long line just to buy a $.44 stamp, it's best to just buy a book of stamps.
Quote For The Day
Good morning everyone. I hope everyone is having an excellent week thus far. I can't believe it's Thursday already. Time really does fly. I put off updates yesterday because there wasn't much going on in news for me to post. I was kinda thinking about posting some of my recent thoughts, but to be honest they are all over the place. If I was to place all my thoughts into one category though, all of them would fit into the category of "life." My life. Past, present, and future. Ups and downs. Laughter and tears. Achievements and failures. Excitements and disappointments. All of which led me to browse quotes about life and I so happen to come across an AMAZING quote that basically sums up what this 4 letter word really is.
Quote for the day:
Life is an Adventure ... Dare it
Life is a Beauty ... Praise it
Life is a Challenge ... Meet it
Life is a Duty ... Perform it
Life is a Love ... Enjoy it
Life is a Tragedy ... Face it
Life is a Struggle ... Fight it
Life is a Promise .... Fulfill it
Life is a Game ... Play it
Life is a Gift ... Accept it
Life is a Journey ... Complete it
Life is a Mystery ... Unfold it
Life is a Goal ... Achieve it
Life is an Opportunity ... Take it
Life is a Puzzle ... Solve it
Life is a Song ... Sing it
Life is a Sorrow ... Overcome it
Life is a Spirit ... Realize it
Quote for the day:
Life is an Adventure ... Dare it
Life is a Beauty ... Praise it
Life is a Challenge ... Meet it
Life is a Duty ... Perform it
Life is a Love ... Enjoy it
Life is a Tragedy ... Face it
Life is a Struggle ... Fight it
Life is a Promise .... Fulfill it
Life is a Game ... Play it
Life is a Gift ... Accept it
Life is a Journey ... Complete it
Life is a Mystery ... Unfold it
Life is a Goal ... Achieve it
Life is an Opportunity ... Take it
Life is a Puzzle ... Solve it
Life is a Song ... Sing it
Life is a Sorrow ... Overcome it
Life is a Spirit ... Realize it
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Quote For The Day
Quote for the day:
If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.
Robert Fritz
If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is a compromise.
Robert Fritz
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Celebrity Seed
Internships/Externships Helping Job Seekers
One way to feel better about accounting for your time is to consider an adult internship, also called an externship. These are unpaid part-time positions to get a foot in the door in the business or industry of your choice. You can gain a new skill or enhance existing ones. This is also a chance to close a gap in unemployment by providing valuable experience for your resume. In addition to seeing firsthand the highs and lows of a particular line of work, you may build contacts and develop relationships that will prove valuable when you ultimately seek a paid positionby providing valuable experience for your resume. In addition to seeing firsthand the highs and lows of a particular line of work, you may build contacts and develop relationships that will prove valuable when you ultimately seek a paid position.
Above is a piece of an article on Good Morning America that I saw, there was also a video attached with the article. Watching the video kinda reassured me that I'm taking the proper steps to help me get started on my career path. I'm going to school right now for Business Mgmt. with a concentration in HR. My goal is to at least obtain an entry level position at a prestigious company and work my way up to the top to become a Human Resource Manager. I have a little less than a year left before I obtain my B.S.B.A in Bus. Mgmt and my HR Certificate. Being that I have no job experience in HR, it is really hard to receive an opportunity to prove myself to any company's HR department. They want experience, even for the entry level positions. I know if I don't obtain some type of experience before I start seeking an HR job after I graduate, it would be dang near impossible to get one. I know that if I apply for a job with the minimum requirement having a Bachelor's Degree, then the only thing the degree will do is help me get an interview. After the interview I don't stand a chance against my competitors who have Bachelor's degrees and plenty of HR experience. So I made the decision to apply for an HR internship position and fortunately I was granted it. Now that I'm about 3 weeks away from the completion of my internship, I really do see how much it has benefited my career. I have gained so much skills and knowledge in this field. The hands on experience is wonderful. Also, I recieved an opportunity to prove how much of a great worker I am, which gives me a leg up when it comes to available positions being posted to the public. As posted in the article above, this is going to look great on my resume. I am very happy that I decided to take this route and I honestly believe it will help me in my search for a job in HR.
Above is a piece of an article on Good Morning America that I saw, there was also a video attached with the article. Watching the video kinda reassured me that I'm taking the proper steps to help me get started on my career path. I'm going to school right now for Business Mgmt. with a concentration in HR. My goal is to at least obtain an entry level position at a prestigious company and work my way up to the top to become a Human Resource Manager. I have a little less than a year left before I obtain my B.S.B.A in Bus. Mgmt and my HR Certificate. Being that I have no job experience in HR, it is really hard to receive an opportunity to prove myself to any company's HR department. They want experience, even for the entry level positions. I know if I don't obtain some type of experience before I start seeking an HR job after I graduate, it would be dang near impossible to get one. I know that if I apply for a job with the minimum requirement having a Bachelor's Degree, then the only thing the degree will do is help me get an interview. After the interview I don't stand a chance against my competitors who have Bachelor's degrees and plenty of HR experience. So I made the decision to apply for an HR internship position and fortunately I was granted it. Now that I'm about 3 weeks away from the completion of my internship, I really do see how much it has benefited my career. I have gained so much skills and knowledge in this field. The hands on experience is wonderful. Also, I recieved an opportunity to prove how much of a great worker I am, which gives me a leg up when it comes to available positions being posted to the public. As posted in the article above, this is going to look great on my resume. I am very happy that I decided to take this route and I honestly believe it will help me in my search for a job in HR.
Quote For The Day
Hello all. Hope everyone had a good day. Sorry I'm late getting my quote for the day posted. I usually try to do it in the mornings, but today was a hectic morning. It's better late than never though.
Quote for the day:
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
Anatole France
Another amazing quote. All of the above MUST be taken place in order to accomplish great things. I really want to pay close attention to the "believe" part. A lot of times people do all of the above, except believe. Faith is the main thing needed to turn things around in your favor. You not only have to have a dream that I'm gonna be a doctor one day, but you also have to take the necessary action to become a doctor, and believe and tell yourself that, "Hey, I'm really gonna be a doctore one day." Then patiently await and watch your dream come true.
Quote for the day:
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
Anatole France
Another amazing quote. All of the above MUST be taken place in order to accomplish great things. I really want to pay close attention to the "believe" part. A lot of times people do all of the above, except believe. Faith is the main thing needed to turn things around in your favor. You not only have to have a dream that I'm gonna be a doctor one day, but you also have to take the necessary action to become a doctor, and believe and tell yourself that, "Hey, I'm really gonna be a doctore one day." Then patiently await and watch your dream come true.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Quote For The Day
Good morning everyone. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mines was very good. Unfortunately, now it's time to get back to the work week. So let's start this one off on the right foot by trying to remain positive.
Quote for the day:
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
Quote for the day:
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Quote For The Day
Quote For The Day:
"It seems to me that the best relationships, the ones that last, are frequently the ones rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than the night before, like a switch has been flicked somewhere, and the person who was just a friend is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with."
Jeffrey Bell
***Site will be updated late this evening or tomorrow***
"It seems to me that the best relationships, the ones that last, are frequently the ones rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than the night before, like a switch has been flicked somewhere, and the person who was just a friend is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with."
Jeffrey Bell
***Site will be updated late this evening or tomorrow***
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Quote For The Day
Quote For The Day:
"Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so."
-Ray Stannard Baker [David Grayson]
The quote is self explanatory. You never know when it will be your last day on this earth, so why take the chance of leaving here without letting the people whom you love dearly know this? I really picked this one because this is definitely something I need to work on, but I know along with myself there are others who are in the same boat.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and be safe!!!
P.S. New updates coming very soon
"Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so."
-Ray Stannard Baker [David Grayson]
The quote is self explanatory. You never know when it will be your last day on this earth, so why take the chance of leaving here without letting the people whom you love dearly know this? I really picked this one because this is definitely something I need to work on, but I know along with myself there are others who are in the same boat.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and be safe!!!
P.S. New updates coming very soon
Friday, July 24, 2009
Quote For The Day
Good morning everyone. Unfortunately, I was not able to really update yesterday due to the fact that I had family in town, along with the normal routine of working and interning. So I can say when I finally did get home I was extremely tired. So I'm gonna try to update as much as I can while they are here, but I can't make any promises. Y'all know how it is when family visits. Lol. I do want to welcome all of my new followers. Thank y'all so much for following me and I really hope you do enjoy my site, as I am enjoying yours. Along with updating my own site, I really look forward to checking out updates to sites I am following. Well, I hope everyone enjoy this lovely Friday. Yay, it's the weekend!!!!
Quote For The Day:
The worst thing you can try to do is cling to something that is gone, or to recreate it.
Johnette Napolitano
I want to quickly add my 2 cents to the quote before I head off to work. This quote can apply to so many areas of our lives, but you know the first one that came to mind when I saw it? Relationships. There are so many times that we become involved with a person who we fall absolutely in love with, but as the relationship progress you realize that things are becoming different between the two of you. Whether it's the fact that your mate is changing or you are changing. Either way, things are not the same. Some people have a hard time of letting go of something that is no longer there and this can be while you are still in the relationship with the person or out of the relationship. The point is of the matter is that the very same thing that made you fall in love with that person is no longer there. So sometimes individuals try to hold on to that person in hope that things will get better sooner or later and it never does. We as human beings grow. We grow individually, we sometimes grow together, and unfortunately we sometimes grow APART. Holding on to a dead relationship will only make things harder on you. You will either end up cheating or feeling miserable while you are staying faithful to the person you are in the relationship with. 9 times out of 10, the first option occurs. If it's no longer there, let that person go and move on to somebody else. People it is possible to fall in love and out of love many times. As far as past relationships go, although it may be hard trying to get over a person. You have to let them go. Stop dwelling on the past and thinking about all the good times you two shared and FORGETTING the things that led the two of you to break up in the first place. It is GONE and still trying to cling on to a relationship that no longer exists or trying to think of ways to recreate it, will only result in you recreating the mess that you end up leaving him or her for in the first place.
Quote For The Day:
The worst thing you can try to do is cling to something that is gone, or to recreate it.
Johnette Napolitano
I want to quickly add my 2 cents to the quote before I head off to work. This quote can apply to so many areas of our lives, but you know the first one that came to mind when I saw it? Relationships. There are so many times that we become involved with a person who we fall absolutely in love with, but as the relationship progress you realize that things are becoming different between the two of you. Whether it's the fact that your mate is changing or you are changing. Either way, things are not the same. Some people have a hard time of letting go of something that is no longer there and this can be while you are still in the relationship with the person or out of the relationship. The point is of the matter is that the very same thing that made you fall in love with that person is no longer there. So sometimes individuals try to hold on to that person in hope that things will get better sooner or later and it never does. We as human beings grow. We grow individually, we sometimes grow together, and unfortunately we sometimes grow APART. Holding on to a dead relationship will only make things harder on you. You will either end up cheating or feeling miserable while you are staying faithful to the person you are in the relationship with. 9 times out of 10, the first option occurs. If it's no longer there, let that person go and move on to somebody else. People it is possible to fall in love and out of love many times. As far as past relationships go, although it may be hard trying to get over a person. You have to let them go. Stop dwelling on the past and thinking about all the good times you two shared and FORGETTING the things that led the two of you to break up in the first place. It is GONE and still trying to cling on to a relationship that no longer exists or trying to think of ways to recreate it, will only result in you recreating the mess that you end up leaving him or her for in the first place.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Quote For The Day
Quote For The Day:
Everywhere man blames nature and fate, yet his fate is mostly but the echo of his character and passions, his mistakes and weaknesses.
Oh my goodness, when I saw this quote I fell in love with it. So many of us seem to find something or someone to blame for our unpleasant circumstances. Not really thinking about how something we did or did not do could have led up to this point. A lot of times it's not even our recent actions, it could very well be past actions. Either way, 9 times out of 10 if we were to trace back all of our actions prior to our unpleasant circumstances, we will come to realization that we are the ones that caused our own problems. A huge problem in today's society is that so many people refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. Whether it's problem with our jobs, significant others, finances, children, school, peers, etc. Just like the quote states, these things happen because mistakes that we make. Whether it's a mistake in choosing who we want to be in a relationship with, a mistake choosing the wrong job, a mistake in not managing our money properly, and the list goes on. The important thing though is that we accept responsibility for our actions, learn from our mistakes, and make sure that we don't repeat the same mistakes in the future.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day today. Smooches :)
Everywhere man blames nature and fate, yet his fate is mostly but the echo of his character and passions, his mistakes and weaknesses.
Oh my goodness, when I saw this quote I fell in love with it. So many of us seem to find something or someone to blame for our unpleasant circumstances. Not really thinking about how something we did or did not do could have led up to this point. A lot of times it's not even our recent actions, it could very well be past actions. Either way, 9 times out of 10 if we were to trace back all of our actions prior to our unpleasant circumstances, we will come to realization that we are the ones that caused our own problems. A huge problem in today's society is that so many people refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. Whether it's problem with our jobs, significant others, finances, children, school, peers, etc. Just like the quote states, these things happen because mistakes that we make. Whether it's a mistake in choosing who we want to be in a relationship with, a mistake choosing the wrong job, a mistake in not managing our money properly, and the list goes on. The important thing though is that we accept responsibility for our actions, learn from our mistakes, and make sure that we don't repeat the same mistakes in the future.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day today. Smooches :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Congrats Kelis & Nas On New Baby

Kelis has given birth to a baby boy, whom she has called Knight. The child was born yesterday (July 21) in New York City.
Quote For The Day
Quote For The Day:
The aim of education should be to teach us how to think, rather than what to think.
James Beattie
The aim of education should be to teach us how to think, rather than what to think.
James Beattie
Celebrity Seed
Child Beauty Pageants........Positive or Negative?

There are soooooo many more children, like the ones above, whose parents enter them into these "Little Miss Beauty Pageants" regularly. Would you consider this as a positive or negative? Do you feel as if these parents are trying to re-live their youth through their kids? True indeed, these are not my children and the parents reserve the right to enter their children into pageants if they choose, who am I to advise another person what they should or should not be doing with their children..........................However, this still does not change the fact that I'm entitled to my own opinion. One of my issues with the children pageants is that they seem to be more geared towards making these little children (I said children, not teenagers) look like little grown women. Another issue is that I feel like a child should receive an opportunity to be a child. I think it's ridiculous how some parents place a huge amount of pressure on their little children to win these pageants. Some time ago I saw a documentary about these pageants and what the children had to go through and I was in disbelief. Disbelief that their parents would pull them away from enjoying playdates with friends, going to amusement parks, running around at playgrounds, going to the zoo, watching movies at the theatre, going to the library, etc., just so they can practice non-stop on how they will perform at the pageant. In real life, we don't have a stop watch to stop time. Time isn't placed on hold for anyone and the more children are spending time in these pageants, the less time they are spending enjoying their youth.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Quote For The Day
Good morning everyone. I want to start off by thanking everyone who stopped by and checked my site out. To all of my followers, y'all are amazing. To anyone who isn't following them already, please check their site out, just click under the section titled "members" and you should be redirected to the site of your choice. All of them have great content on their sites.
Just wanted to inform all of my readers that today I probably will not get a chance to update my site until late tonight and even then it probably will not be much of an update. I anticipate having a long and exhausting day because I will literally be going from one place to another. I will be starting off the morning at work, from there I will go to my internship, and from there I will be heading out to perform at poetry night........only receiving about an hour break in between all. So I know whenever I do get settled in I will be pretty tired. I just wanted to put this out there in case the thought of "no updates?" crosses anyone minds. Thanks in advance for being patient.......................Now moving right along, the below quote is something that is soooooo true. I believe that many people, including myself have a tendency of focusing on our disappointments that we often miss new opportunities that are presented to us to replace our disappointments. Don't dwell on the disappointments because things will get better if you just adopt a positive mindset regarding the great things that will come your way in the future. I hope everyone have a GREAT DAY. Smooches :)
Quote for the day:
When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
Helen Keller
Just wanted to inform all of my readers that today I probably will not get a chance to update my site until late tonight and even then it probably will not be much of an update. I anticipate having a long and exhausting day because I will literally be going from one place to another. I will be starting off the morning at work, from there I will go to my internship, and from there I will be heading out to perform at poetry night........only receiving about an hour break in between all. So I know whenever I do get settled in I will be pretty tired. I just wanted to put this out there in case the thought of "no updates?" crosses anyone minds. Thanks in advance for being patient.......................Now moving right along, the below quote is something that is soooooo true. I believe that many people, including myself have a tendency of focusing on our disappointments that we often miss new opportunities that are presented to us to replace our disappointments. Don't dwell on the disappointments because things will get better if you just adopt a positive mindset regarding the great things that will come your way in the future. I hope everyone have a GREAT DAY. Smooches :)
Quote for the day:
When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
Helen Keller
Monday, July 20, 2009
My Thoughts On Chris Brown's Apology
I am happy that he finally released an apology video and stated his reasons as to why it took him so long to do so. I really don't doubt his sincerity in his apology. His unexcusable actions has negatively impacted his career and he wants to do everything he can to make things right again. Now although I believe he had absolutely no right to place his hands on Rhianna, I also don't believe that his career should end because of this. Maybe it should be placed on hold for a little while, but not completely over. Everyone makes mistakes in life and deserves to be forgiven. Well, at least in my book because I have a big heart. Now, let's not get this "forgiving" term confused with Rhianna getting back with him because in no shape, form, or fashion am I trying to imply that she should do this. Often times people think just because you forgive a person, you have to get back involved with him or her, when this is not the case. You can very well forgive a person but choose to keep your distance from them to avoid going down the same path with that individual again. I'm not sure what type of friendship Rhianna and Chris currently possess, but I do know that she is no longer with him and I applaude her for making such a wise decision. I've never been in an abusive relationship so I can't sit up here and pretend as if I know the pattern of how all abusive men act after they have their first violent attack, but I do know that if I was so unlucky, I would not take the risk of sitting around trying to find out. So to anyone out there who is in an abusive relationship, please seek out help so you can be removed from a situation that could end up deadly. No matter what he says, DO NOT give him a second chance. Your life is way to precious to take the risk of finding out if he will repeat his violent behavior or go far and beyond it. There are so many domestic violence help agencies out there. Below is a well know agency that is waiting to jump in and help in any domestic violence case:
National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224
Please do not be another statistic, call and get help NOW.
National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224
Please do not be another statistic, call and get help NOW.
Chris Brown Offers An Official Apology To His Fans

ALERT...ALERT...Chris Brown makes his first OFFICIAL apology
After allowing fans to wait for a long 5 months, Chris finally apologizes for the violent incident that occured with Rhianna back in February 2009. Although only 2:09, he says just about everything his fans have been waiting to hear, including "I felt it was time you heard directly from me that I am sorry" and "What I did was inexcusable. I am very sad and very ashamed of what I have done…I have told Rihanna countless times and I am telling you today that I am truly, truly sorry." Check out video below. I will be posting my thoughts on a separate blog.............stay tuned.
Celebrity Seeds

Here is someone who I haven't seen in a minute, Mrs. Holly Robinson Pete. For those of you don't recognize her, she was one of the lead actresses in "Hanging with Mr. Cooper." She attended the Los Angeles premiere of “G-FORCE” at the El Capitan Theatre on July 19, 2009 with her two sons. I must say she looks really nice to be 44 years old, hopefully I age as well as she.
The entire Simmons Family attended the Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation’s 10th Anniversary Art For Life Benefit yesterday (July 19th). Very nice looking family. I wonder where is Kimmora. Lol.
Quote For The Day
Good morning everyone. On my way to work, just wanted to post an inspirational quote to start your day off. I will be back this afternoon to update my site with more blogs.
Quote for the day:
The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had means, time, influence and educational advantages; the question is what he will do with the things he has. The moment a young man ceases to dream or to bemoan his lack of opportunities and resolutely looks his conditions in the face, and resolves to change them, he lays the corner-stone of a solid and honorable success.
Hamilton Wright Mabie
Quote for the day:
The question for each man to settle is not what he would do if he had means, time, influence and educational advantages; the question is what he will do with the things he has. The moment a young man ceases to dream or to bemoan his lack of opportunities and resolutely looks his conditions in the face, and resolves to change them, he lays the corner-stone of a solid and honorable success.
Hamilton Wright Mabie
Affirmative Action Is Reverse Discrimination? Really?
Well according to a gentleman by the name of Pat Buchanan, this is the case. He was interviewed on MSNBC's "Rachel Maddow Show" and I was just in straight disbelief of the ignorance that he displayed in this interview. Evidently he knows nothing about the true definition of discrimination because if he did his homework he would know that MINORITIES are the ones who have a history of being discriminated against, NOT the white men. There is just soooo much I want to say about this interview, but it's late and I'm tired so I will just let y'all watch and discuss if you choose to.
Tia Mowry's First Interview Since The Cancellation Of "The Game"

How and when did you find out the show was canceled?
I found out about the show being canceled the night before the CW had released their line-up. They released their upfronts on Thursday so I found out that Wednesday evening.
In previous interviews you spoke about your frustration with the network failing to see the potential in The Game. Was the cancellation a shock or did you expect it?
To be honest with you it wasn’t a shock to me. I’ve been in this business since I was 14 years old and you pick up things and learn from past experiences. I remember working on Sister, Sister and knowing that it was the last season because they do a huge amount of production cuts, which is expected when you know that it’s the last season. Why would you want to spend money on something you know you’re not going to produce in the future? You want to save as much money for your other shows. It’s just a business kind of thing to do. Also, promotion tends to stop. They just don’t put as much money into the show as before. A lot of people were thinking maybe it’s just because it’s the third season, or that it’s an established show and I’m like, “No, that doesn’t usually happen.” So, no, I wasn’t shocked.
The thought of fans is that The Game was canceled because it’s a Black show. Do you think it was racism?
That’s a very hard question to answer. I always have to look at everything in a positive way and that’s just my being. Some people say, “Why are you always smiling” or “Why are you so happy?” Some people think it’s corny, but it’s not. It’s a choice I decided to make in life. I feel truly blessed to have had a show for at least three years on a reputable network. That’s just difficult in any actor’s eyes. It’s tough to have two shows that are hits. Sister, Sister was a hit and The Game was a hit…and still is a hit. So I feel very blessed and honored to have had that experience.
Now to say if it’s racism, I don’t really know if I can answer that question, but I mean, it is what it is. What I will say is that certain shows did get more attention, certain shows did get more money put into their marketing, which it helps with ratings. The Game was not getting that and we are a Black show. So if you want to put it that way and in that regard then we weren’t getting the same treatment as certain shows on the network were getting as far as marketing value, attention, and publicity. I can say that, but to blatantly say it’s racism — I don’t know if I can answer that question.
Do you have a favorite episode or moment from the show?
I would have to say my favorite episode or moment on the show is – excuse my language I don’t normally curse outside of jobs – “Turkey Basting Bitches” [Laughs]. It was a hilarious episode and I loved seeing the jealousy between Melanie and Derwin, because in the end they really love each other. They really care for each other and love each other, they’re just immature. I think that’s why fans loved the show so much because it was so relatable. It was like, “Oh my gosh, that’s what I do.” A lot of people seemed to relate, but I definitely loved that episode. It was fun, I thought it was written really well, it was great for me.
I love the show but some critics have accused The Game of reinforcing negative stereotypes. I’ve read interviews with you where you talked about how much you loved the Melanie character because she didn’t play the typical wife or athlete girlfriend — what do you say to people who criticize the show?
What I’ve realized at 30 years old going on to 31 is that you can’t please everyone and to me that’s a good thing. If we were to please everyone then that means that we’re all the same and to me that’s boring. When you look at comedians and shows that are funny, they’re always playing into some type of stereotype. I mean, that’s comedy. If you don’t know that then you don’t know what comedy is. And everybody has a different view of comedy and what makes them laugh. Some people use profanity, some people don’t – ala Eddie Murphy, ala Sinbad. There are different audiences out there that relate to certain things and some relate to another thing. I think that’s where Mara was successful. The funny thing about the show is that all three of these girls are extremely different. Melanie was for the first two seasons the voice of reason. She was the one saying, “I’m not gonna do that,” “What are you guys doing?” and they were playing into the stereotypes. But when they played into the stereotypes it’s funny.
I’ve met a lot of football and basketball players who enjoy the show. They will admit that sometimes it’s exaggerated, but they were like it’s funny. That’s what’s funny about it. Some people may get it, some people may not.
Do you want The Game to be picked up elsewhere or would you rather move away from the project all together?
I would love for The Game to be picked up elsewhere. I told Mara that I’m not ready for Melanie to be over. I speak for all of the actors, there’s so much more to do with these characters, there’s so much more to find and dig. People love these characters, but not only do fans, so do the actors. I feel like Melanie has been my dream role because she’s a real person. It’s unbelievable where Mara has allowed me to go as an actress. Before The Game I couldn’t even get into an audition for a Hillary Swank movie, but The Game has opened up opportunities for people to see me in a different light. Of course I want the show to go on, but not just because of that– we work very well together, we’re very close and there’s so much more. The fans know that. I have never been put in this situation where fans have been so supportive of a show and everybody knows about it – the cast, Mara – The Game fans are the best fans.
I would love for The Game to be picked up elsewhere. I told Mara that I’m not ready for Melanie to be over. I speak for all of the actors, there’s so much more to do with these characters, there’s so much more to find and dig. People love these characters, but not only do fans, so do the actors. I feel like Melanie has been my dream role because she’s a real person. It’s unbelievable where Mara has allowed me to go as an actress. Before The Game I couldn’t even get into an audition for a Hillary Swank movie, but The Game has opened up opportunities for people to see me in a different light. Of course I want the show to go on, but not just because of that– we work very well together, we’re very close and there’s so much more. The fans know that. I have never been put in this situation where fans have been so supportive of a show and everybody knows about it – the cast, Mara – The Game fans are the best fans.
To The Ladies.......Settleling
So ladies, I'm going to have to dedicate this blog to y'all. I want to take the time out to address the topic of settleling, so many of us do it and I can even say that I have done it at one point in my life too. Ladies, it's time to evaluate yoursevles and realize your worth. Stop allowing these men to treat you any kind of way. There are so many women allowing men to live in their home, increase their utility bills, and eat up their food, all while being jobless. There are other women allowing men to talk to them any kind of way, put their hands on them, refuse to spend quality time with them, cheat on them, and the list goes on. Why? Oh, is it because the sex is just soooo good, is it because he wines and dines you at times, is it because he's the father of your child(ren), is it because you have invested so many years in the relationship, is it because you have a strong relationship with his family and vice versa, or is it because of that sparkling wedding ring on your left finger? Are these really reasons to accept being mistreated? I think not. Ladies, please remember, for every man out there who does not value you and respect you, there is another one out there dying to step up to the plate. You do not have to settle. I know so many women think that there is no good men left and they just have to work with what they have, but I'm here to tell you that is NOT true. If you can learn to be patient and take time to really get to know you, figure out what you want and deserve out of a relationship, obtain some goals, take the necessary steps to accomplish those goals, I guarantee you that the right man will come your way. It's all about focusing on you and not focusing on looking for him. Now I will just tell y'all the pattern that I observed, it seems that whenever we go out and look for men, we always seem to end up with the wrong ones; however, when we focus on ourselves and let the men find us, we end up lucking out. I know this may sound cliche, but it is so true, in due time ladies, you will find the right man for you that will treat you with the uttermost respect and love you unconditionally. Please don't settle while being patient for the RIGHT one. You are only bringing problems on yourself by doing so.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Can We Please Let Him Rest In Peace???

Michael Jackson was one of the best entertainers in the world and he will forever be in all of our hearts, but can we pul-lease allow this man to rest in peace. I bet Michael is rolling around in his grave right about now about all of the news coverage that is surrounding his death. The news coverage celebrating his legacy, including his memorial service was great, however, all of the negativity regarding him that is being pulled out of the wood works NOW is not great. What is the point? Is it not bad enough that the man was attacked by the media while he was alive on this earth? I guess the media just don't care, alive or dead, they still are determined to dig in his past to talk about all the drugs he was on, the child molestation case, him getting his hair caught on fire, etc. For what though? It's in the past and talking about all of this now serves no purpose, the man is no longer here on earth. Then if it's not bad enough that everything about his life is under a microscope, they also want to do the same to his kids. Michael would NEVER want this. I really believe it's about time to put all of this to rest now.
Introducing RealTalk
Just wanted to take the time out to introduce this blogsite so all of you will be informed of what content will actually be displayed on here. As so many others, I have my personal opinions on so many things and feel that maybe myself and my readers can bring a different view on certain issues, whether it be personal topics that are affecting many people throughout our country, issues that are broadcasted on the news (locally or nationally), or a simply style being displayed in the entertainment world. I want this to be a site where my readers and I can just sit back, relax, let our hair down (lol), and engage in real talk. I am kinda new to this, so please bare with me. I do plan on figuring out ways to enhance this site as much as possible, along with broadcasting this site to many others around the world, giving them the opportunity to join this community. Also, I want to state that by no means do I know it all, so please feel free to educate, inform, or school me on whatever you see fit. I am 100% open to suggestions to making this site all that it can be. I do have one request from all of you, please tell this site to any and everyone that you know. If you have ways to advertise my site (i.e., myspace, facebook, twitter, youtube, etc.), please do so. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance for all of your help. Smooches:)
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