Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Quote For The Day

Hello all. Hope everyone had a good day. Sorry I'm late getting my quote for the day posted. I usually try to do it in the mornings, but today was a hectic morning. It's better late than never though.

Quote for the day:

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."

Anatole France

Source: www.quoteland.com

Another amazing quote. All of the above MUST be taken place in order to accomplish great things. I really want to pay close attention to the "believe" part. A lot of times people do all of the above, except believe. Faith is the main thing needed to turn things around in your favor. You not only have to have a dream that I'm gonna be a doctor one day, but you also have to take the necessary action to become a doctor, and believe and tell yourself that, "Hey, I'm really gonna be a doctore one day." Then patiently await and watch your dream come true.

1 comment:

  1. Love this one.. ! I like reading these quote for the day posts.. :)

    xo, BB
