Monday, July 20, 2009

My Thoughts On Chris Brown's Apology

I am happy that he finally released an apology video and stated his reasons as to why it took him so long to do so. I really don't doubt his sincerity in his apology. His unexcusable actions has negatively impacted his career and he wants to do everything he can to make things right again. Now although I believe he had absolutely no right to place his hands on Rhianna, I also don't believe that his career should end because of this. Maybe it should be placed on hold for a little while, but not completely over. Everyone makes mistakes in life and deserves to be forgiven. Well, at least in my book because I have a big heart. Now, let's not get this "forgiving" term confused with Rhianna getting back with him because in no shape, form, or fashion am I trying to imply that she should do this. Often times people think just because you forgive a person, you have to get back involved with him or her, when this is not the case. You can very well forgive a person but choose to keep your distance from them to avoid going down the same path with that individual again. I'm not sure what type of friendship Rhianna and Chris currently possess, but I do know that she is no longer with him and I applaude her for making such a wise decision. I've never been in an abusive relationship so I can't sit up here and pretend as if I know the pattern of how all abusive men act after they have their first violent attack, but I do know that if I was so unlucky, I would not take the risk of sitting around trying to find out. So to anyone out there who is in an abusive relationship, please seek out help so you can be removed from a situation that could end up deadly. No matter what he says, DO NOT give him a second chance. Your life is way to precious to take the risk of finding out if he will repeat his violent behavior or go far and beyond it. There are so many domestic violence help agencies out there. Below is a well know agency that is waiting to jump in and help in any domestic violence case:

National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224

Please do not be another statistic, call and get help NOW.


  1. good job including that info. i do believe everyone deserves to be forgiven, but i just don't see CB coming back from this one.

  2. I totally agree, just because I forgive you don't mean we get back 2gether. I also am glad he apologized and is sick already of hearing people say he should have done it sooner..knowing he couldn't speak until the trail was done....I wish Rihanna "common sense" and her own she too can learn from that terrible incident. Chris and Rihanna got caught up in some Hollywood Grown up shit and neither one of them was as grown as everyone was making them..comparing their relationship to married couples and crap like that..these two were underage and just cuz they got loot, nobody cared about them drinking and "acting" grown. I do see Chris Brown coming from under this dark cloud, only because he damn sure dont want to go thru another trial..but if people can look past RKelly and his bs...give the boy a chance to learn from his mistakes...and grow..GOD BLESS BOTH OF THEM.
