Saturday, August 29, 2009
Mike Tyson Speaks On The Death Of His Daughter
Mini Muhammad Ali

Update/Quote For The Week
Quote for the day:
Time in itself is really not the problem, but people who use it are. People who excuse their failures by saying, “I don’t have time” really are admitting to mismanagement of time.
Source: Ted W. Engstrom
When I saw this quote, I immediately thought back to a comment one of my professors made in class a couple of days ago. He said that everything in life is unfair, except one thing. And that one thing was the amount of time we all have per day. Everyone has 24 hours, no more, no less. He said that suspicioun would arise if a person came to him and said he/she did not have enough time to complete an assignment. There was enough time, it's just that person chose to spend his/her time on doing other things that he/she felt was more important. So lack of time is not the issue, but time management is.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Nate Dog Still Recovering From Stroke

Warren G recently talked about his friend and fellow 213 group memeber Nate Dogg’s health. Nate Dogg, who suffered multiple strokes last year, was left partially paralyzed. Although his most recent stroke happened way back last fall, Warren G says that Nate Dogg is still not fully recovered. ”He’s in recovery,” G revealed in an interview. “It’s kinda slow recovery right now, but he getting better. I’ve seen him and just praying and hoping that he recover faster so we can do this good music…He’s on The G Files. It’s a record we did back in the day. Not back, back in the day, but a couple years ago. Me and him had recorded a whole bunch of songs. I got a lot of ‘em. Actually we recorded [some of them shortly] before he had the [first] stroke. We recorded about at least six — maybe eight records, where he just did like hooks and stuff…I’m saving a lot of that stuff for when he recovers too.” In related news, recently we debuted not one but two new songs from Warren G. “100 Miles & Runnin” actually features Nate Dogg and Wu-Tang’s Raekwon while “Swagger Rich” features non other than Snoop Dogg.
Source: drewreports.com
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Show Me The Carfax
I saw this commercial on tv the other day and I thought it was so funny, mostly because so many shady salesmen are like this. The last thing they want to do is show the customer the carfax because they don't want them to find out what's really going on with the car. The only thing they care about is making a sale, even if it means deceiving the customer. (Most do a good job at that) This commerical bring back the memories of the first car that I purchased when I was 17. A 1996 Mistubish Mirage that I called "Blue Passion." I purchased it from a small, used car lot and I fell in love with it when I saw it. After I drove it, I knew that it was the car for me. (Or maybe I was just so caught up in the idea of finally having my own car) At the time, I didn't know anything about Carfax, but it surely would have been benefical to me because a few months after I got the car, I started having problems and problems kept popping up for the remainder of the time I had it. Can we say lemon??? For a minute I blamed the guy who camed with me, who was suppose to have checked it out before I bought it. I thought, "if he would have did what he was suppose to have done, he would have caught some of these problems before I waisted my money." However, that thought quickly left my mind. There was no way he could have pin point all of those problems. He tried and that's about all he could do. I blame the money hungry salesman that sold me "Blue Passion," knowing it was a lemon when I bought it.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Celebrity Seed - Master P's Daughter

The Largest Case of Credit/Debt Card Data Theft
Source: news.yahoo.com
It's sad that technology is making it more convenient for people to use their credit cards/debit cards for purchases, but at the same time the risk of someone hacking into your account is increasing. Only thing I have to say is make sure that you are keeping up with purchases made on your account by reviewing your bank/credit card statement regularly. Be careful about making online purchases on computers other than your own, you never know what type of security level is on other computers, if any. Also be careful about who you are giving your credit/debit card info to. Be very cautious about ordering things from random sites. If you are a little bit suspicious about the site, then go with your gut feeling and DO NOT ORDER FROM THERE!!!
Kourtney Kardashian's Mini Baby Bump

Steve Harvey Joined Good Morning America Crew

Source: abcnews.go.com
Those of you who watch GMA, probably already know and those of you who don't probably don't care. I'm one of those who watch GMA for a couple of minutes before I go to work and that's it. I'm not a morning person, so I typically wake up in just enough time to get ready for work, turn on the tv to watch for a couple of minutes (emphasis on the couple minutes part), and then head out the door. However, once I found out the news, I told myself that I'm going to have to start trying to catch his segments (love Steve Harvey), if it comes on before I leave to work. I missed today's segment on tv, but I did catch it online this evening and I must say it was GREAT!!!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
"The Orphan" Review

Quote For The Day
The first question which the priest and the Levite asked was: "If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?" But... the good Samaritan reversed the question: "If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
Source: www.quotegarden.com
I find this a lot nowadays. People refusing the help others because they allow this first question to go back & forth in their minds. And the sad part about it is that most of the time the answer to that question is NOTHING. Nothing will happen to you if you open up your heart a little and help another person who is in need. Also a lot of times people think that the only way that they can help a person is to give a lot. They have this messed up mindset "Well, it appears that this person is in need of a lot of help and unfortunately I can't give that much, therefore I can't help him or her out." WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. Sometimes it's doing/offering the little things that helps out the most. I rather a person do something than do nothing.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'M BACK!!!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Quote For The Day/B-Day

Quote for the day:
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The Mowry Twins Out & About
Celebrity Seed

Quote For The Day
Remember this. When people choose to withdraw far from a fire, the fire continues to give warmth, but they grow cold. When people choose to withdraw far from light, the light continues to be bright in itself but they are in darkness. This is also the case when people withdraw from God.
Source: www.quotegarden.com
True. True. True. A lot of times we get so distracted by our daily lives that we end up not realizing that we are withdrawing from God. Then when we are experience bad situations that are not getting better when we want them to, we think that maybe God has turned his back on us. Negative. It's not that God has turned his back on us (he's sitting in the place that he's always been and doing the great things that he's always done), but it's that we have turned our back on him. We don't pray as much as we use to, we don't praise him as much as we use to, we don't worship him as much as we use to, we don't go to church as much as we use to, we don't tithe as much as we use to, and we don't read the bible as much as we use to. We start allowing work, significant others, children, hobbies, school, etc to take time away that should be dedicated to him. The more we do this, whether realizing it or not, the further away we pull from God. He is sitting and waiting on us to draw close again so he can pour out blessings upon us and open doors that no man can shut. This kind of goes back to what I said about a previous quote, whether we realize it or not, there is always something that WE did to place ourselves in the situations we are in. Sometimes we actually have to backtrack to find out when was it that we did something that we should not have done or did not do something that we should have done that could have led us to this point. I can boldly admit that there was a time when I was so caught up in enjoying living the good life that my time spent with God did decrease. It didn't become obsolete, but it did decrease and I often think that maybe that is why certain things started going wrong in my life. He should take precedence over any other "good things" we have going on in our lives. Not putting him first can cause those "good things" to disappear within the blink of an eye.
The Status Of My Site For The Next Several Days

Monday, August 3, 2009
Quote For The Day
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
~Dr. Seuss
Source: www.quotegarden.com
A well known quote, but the truthfuless from it still remains. Some people feel the need to slightly change themselves to impress people who don't even like them for who they really are. I have learned over the years that you can't aim to make everyone like you. If they can't like you for you, then you don't need them.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
3 Scorned Women
An unidentified married Wisconsin man who was dating three women at the same time found out the hard way that it can only mean trouble. After finding out that the same Casanova had been courting them all simultaneously, Michelle Belliveau, Wendy Sewell and Therese Ziemann allegedly lured the man to a local motel room to seek revenge.
Police say Ziemann kicked off the plan, convincing the man to voluntarily agree to be bound and blindfolded with the promise of a massage. But instead, police say, she cut off his underwear and sent a text message to the other women to enter the room. "This wasn't a spur of the moment type of event in that all of the participants in the complaint and in the information provided were part and parcel of this plan," said Ken Krantz, the district attorney of Calumet County, Wis.
When the women came into the room, they allegedly attacked him and applied Krazy Glue to sensitive body parts. Reports show that they asked the victim which woman he loved more, which one he wanted to grow old with, slapped him in the face and then said, "Can you handle that?" The man was finally released after he started screaming, and police say the women fled with his cell phone, wallet and car.
So, how did the trio find out about each other? Police say it was the man's wife who informed them of the love quad. As for his alleged attackers, the newspaper said Ziemann was charged with being a party to false imprisonment, fourth-degree sexual assault and misdemeanor battery. Sewell and Belliveau were charged with being a party to false imprisonment.
Source: abcnews.go.com
Wow. These men who cheat need to stop thinking that they will get away with cheating. Sooner or later they will get caught. I mean they should know by now that women are nothing but undercover investigators and they have ways of finding out things. Lol. I have said this before and I will say it again; If you are no longer happy being with your wife, husband, or significant other, the best decision would be to seek marriage/couple counseling or divorce/break-up. Rather that than be unfaithful.
Celebrity Seed

9 Simple Things Women Want
1. Respect - You don't have to agree with all that we say or do, but try to honor our opinions as valuable contributions.
2. Romance - Date nights, physical affection in the car, kissing like when we first started dating -- all of the things that made us fall in love with you don't have to stop just because now there are bills to pay, a house to be cleaned, and kids to be bathed.
3. Time - We understand relationships can't be all wine and roses; simply making the time to be with us and treating us like your top priority says "love" more than all the fancy gifts and lovely letters ever could.
4. Dinner - You may not be good at cooking and you may not know how to boil water. But greeting us at the door after a long day with fish sticks (or whatever you can wrastle up) makes us swoon, because it shows that you've been thinking about us and our hectic day.
5. Communication - Women are vocal creatures. We know you love us, but it's nice to hear you say it, too.
6.Consistency - This doesn't mean be boring and predictable. It means that we know you will (usually -- no one is perfect!) give us the love and support we need.
7. Engagement - Of the mental kind, not the "I'm getting married in the morning" kind. You don't have to like everything we like (we might be a little concerned if you do), but showing interest in our passions.
8. Humor and Humility - These two tend to go hand in hand. This doesn't mean that you have to crack jokes or entertain us, but just being able to laugh at yourself is enough. Guys who take themselves too seriously bring everyone down.
9. Challenge - Not the kind that makes a relationship constant work, but the good kind that surprises and motivates us to do, be, or achieve what we desire.
Source: dating.personals.yahoo.com
Note: Elaboration on each point is a piece taken from the article. Sometime later, I will create a new post elaborating on each point from my perspective. Be on the look out.
Quote For The Day
When I can look Life in the eyes,Grown calm and very coldly wise,Life will have given me the Truth,And taken in exchange - my youth.
~Sara Teasdale
Source: http://www.quotegarden.com/
This quote basically sums up the thoughts that are traveling across my mind on a regular basis. My B-day is coming up on August 6 and I will be 24 years old. Although I know I'm blessed to see another year because so many don't receive this opportunity, sometimes I still think about how I wish life could just stand still. Stand still while I'm able to get my life where I want it to be. Stand still while I am able to complete my Bachelor's degree. Stand still while I'm able to start my career in HR Management. Stand still while I'm able to get my finances in order. Stand still while I'm able to create my own family. I often think about how long it's taking me to get to where I'm trying to be, while in the meantime, I'm getting older and older. It seems like it wasn't long ago that I was 19 years old, fresh out of my mother's nest and ready to explore the world. Back then, probably like a lot of other teens, I had my life pretty much planned out. I was suprised all hell when I was faced with a lot of unexpected curve balls, leaving me with a delay in accomplishing several future goals. Thus far, I feel as though I'm a woman approaching age 24 in less than a week and I only accomplished a couple of the goals that I set out when I was younger. I probably wouldn't feel half as bad if I know that my hard work actually pays off, but it seems like that has not been the case with me. I try so hard, bustin my behind off trying to get things accomplished and do the right things, but things still don't work out in my favor. And when things finally do turn around and I'm happy, as the quote says, my youth will no longer exist and I will know the truth about life.